Conference Papers
J. Yang, W. Peng, X. Li, Z. Guo, L. Chen, B. Li, Z. Ma, K. Zhou, W. Zhang, C.C. Loy and Z. Liu.
Panoptic video scene graph generation.
Proc. IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2023.
J. Yang, P. Wang, D. Zou, Z. Zhou, K. Ding, W. Peng, H. Wang, G. Chen, B. Li, Y. Sun, X. Du, K. Zhou, W. Zhang, D. Hendrycks, Y. Li and Z. Liu.
OpenOOD: Benchmarking generalized out-of-distribution detection.
Proc. NeurIPS 2022 Datasets and Benchmarks Track, 2022.
Z. Kuang, H. Sun, Z. Li, X. Yue, T.H. Lin, J. Chen, H. Wei, Y. Zhu, T. Gao, W. Zhang, K. Chen, W. Zhang and D. Lin.
MMOCR: A comprehensive toolbox for text detection, recognition and understanding.
Proc. ACM Multimedia (MM) Open Source Software Competition, 2021.
S. Tang, L. Feng, Z. Kuang, Y. Chen and W. Zhang.
Fast video shot transition localization with deep structured models.
Proc. Asian Conf. on Computer Vision (ACCV), 2018. [paper]
Journal Articles
L. Liu, B. Wang, Z. Kuang, J.-H. Xue, Y. Chen, W. Yang, Q. Liao and W. Zhang.
GenDet: Meta learning to generate detectors from few shots.
IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS), vol. 33, no. 8, pp. 3448-3460, 2022.
M. Ben-Ezra, Z. Lin, B. Wilburn and W. Zhang.
Penrose pixels for super-resolution.
IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), vol. 33, no. 7, pp. 1370-1383, 2011. [doi]
Technical Reports
US8,024,152. Tensor linear laplacian discrimination for feature extraction.
WO2012027904, US9,569,699. System and method for synthesizing portrait sketch from a photo.
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Copyright © 2023 Wayne Zhang